
The Kenya-Canadian Empowerment Network (KCEN) is a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the social and economic needs of black immigrant communities in Ontario. The organization was founded on the premise that despite Canada enjoying a rich tapestry of immigrant communities, the country still faces challenges in addressing issues of social and economic equity among the immigrant populations. Black Canadians who represent at least 15.6 percent of the visible minorities, generally face surmounting social and economic challenges compared with other Canadians. Even those who were born in Canada or immigrated at a young age and received Canadian education still face employment inequity, including working in low-skill jobs and earning salaries that are not commensurate with their education and experience. Furthermore, the black communities face increased risk of contracting communicable diseases such as COVID-19 since most of them are employed in front-line essential occupations such as health, agriculture, retail outlets and food service, which require frequent contact with other people. Employment inequalities and other forms of systemic racism compound other challenges such as excessive alcoholism, drug uptake, overcrowded housing, homelessness, mental health and limited access to health and social services.

Our Address

1229 Wilton Avenue London Ontario Canada. N5W 2G9